Sacred Life Sunday – See me, Hear me

Sacred Life Sunday

I have a story of Listening which happened in May of 2000. Although I do at times forget, I manage to come back to his powerful wisdom. I hope he knows how much his few words that day still influence me. Somehow…well, I think he does. *smile*

When I finally tracked him down by phone, I explained the situation without elaborating and without the normal chit-chat. He replied in the same simple and direct manner. We each guarded knowledge we could not, would not reveal. We both understood the sacredness of that knowledge.

Yes, I told him, In the hillside. Intact. Probably female. Young adult. Arms crossed at the chest. Sitting. Knees bent. Facing east. I listened to his soft, melodious voice and the instructions that came next.

Thank you, I understand. Here’s the number where you can make your arrangements. I’ll be the one getting back to you with travel and lodging details later this week.

We met in the afternoon before the ceremony some weeks later. He knew nothing about me. We had only talked briefly on the phone those few times.

After the initial formalities were tended to and we chatted, The Ute Elder suddenly asked, Do the plants talk to you, Little One?” His voice was still soft and melodious yet at the same time, strong and demanding of an answer.

I gasped as an almost imperceptible tightening in my solar plexus occurred hearing his question. I immediately dropped my head, averting my eyes partially in respect; but much more in discomfort and shame as I wondered why he tested me this way when he already knew the answer. I was being commanded to reveal a personal truth.

With my head still bowed I replied softly and sadly, No, no they don’t.

As I slowly lifted my head, his eyes stabbed my core like a shard of glass.

Perhaps you just need to listen more closely, Little One.

I give Thanks for friends…for cyber friends who visit with hugs and loving words as real as can be…
for friends who recognize my need and are gracious enough to give their time and help.

for a friend who continually listens to my silly lamenting with patience, and lovingly offers his help no matter what the time of day or night.

One can look and still be blind. One can hear and still be deaf. I need to practice seeing and listening.

About Rosa

I run with knives
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1 Response to Sacred Life Sunday – See me, Hear me

  1. Mmmm….Don’t we all need to listen and look more deeply…((hugs)) I”m glad you are here and that we have befriended each other.

    That we do, my friend…that we do. Yanno, his message was so startling to me that day.
    I’ve always wanted the plants to talk back. I just never considered it that way before.
    ((hugs)) I am glad we are here for each other. *grin*

